Terms and Conditions


The organizer of the ČEZ RunTour race series is VMLY&R s.r.o., company ID: 26133113, with registered office at Bubenská 1477/1, 170 00 Prague 7 - Holešovice, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file number C 73088. The organiser is also referred to as the “Seller”.


1.1. These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions") of the Seller regulate, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1751(1) of Law No. 89/2012 Coll, Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code"), the mutual rights and obligations of the parties arising in connection with or on the basis of a purchase contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Purchase Contract") concluded between the Seller and another natural person (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer") through the Seller's online shop, the subject of which is primarily the purchase of entry fees for any of the running races (including virtual races). The Seller runs the online shop on the website located at www.run-tour.cz (hereinafter referred to as the "Website").

1.2 Provisions differing from these Terms and Conditions may be agreed in the Purchase Agreement. Deviating provisions in the Purchase Contract take precedence over the provisions of the Terms and Conditions.

1.3 The provisions of the Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the Purchase Agreement. The Purchase Agreement and the Terms and Conditions are drawn up in the Czech language.

1.4 The Seller may change or supplement the wording of the Terms and Conditions. This provision shall not affect the rights and obligations arising during the period of effectiveness of the previous version of the Terms and Conditions.

1.5 The Buyer agrees to the use of remote means of communication when ordering goods (entry fee). Costs incurred by the Buyer when using remote means of communication in connection with the conclusion of the Purchase Contract (costs of internet connection, costs of telephone calls) shall be covered by the Buyer themselves. No special surcharges are charged for the internet or telephone connection with the Seller and the standard rates of the Buyer's operator shall apply.

1.6 These Terms and Conditions also inform the Buyer - Consumer of their rights under the contract and under consumer protection legislation.

1.7 A buyer-consumer is any person who, outside the scope of their business activity or outside the scope of their independent practice of their profession, enters a contract with or otherwise deals with Bussiness representative – Seller. (They shall be hereinafter and above also referred to as "Consumer".)

1.8 These terms and conditions are placed on the website to enable their archiving and reproduction by the Buyer.

1.9 The Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with its registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID No.: 000 20 869, internet address: www.coi.cz (vmlyr@www.coi.cz/en/information-about-adr/information-on-out-of-court-settlement-of-cross-border-consumer-disputes-in-the-eu/disputes-between-consumers-from-outside-the-czech-republic-and-traders-established-in-czechia/">https://www.coi.cz/en/information-about-adr/information-on-out-of-court-settlement-of-cross-border-consumer-disputes-in-the-eu/disputes-between-consumers-from-outside-the-czech-republic-and-traders-established-in-czechia/), is competent for out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes arising from the Purchase Contract. The Buyer also has the right to resolve disputes arising from the Purchase Contract out of court via the ODR platform. Further information is available on the website vmlyr@www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr">http://www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.

The submission of the proposal and the subsequent participation in the out-of-court dispute resolution is free of charge for the buyer, and any costs incurred in connection with the out-of-court dispute resolution are borne by each party separately. An out of court dispute resolution request may be submitted no later than one year from the date on which the Buyer first used the right that is the subject of the dispute with the Seller.

The European Consumer Centre Czech Republic, with registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, internet address: http://www.evropskyspotrebitel.cz is the contact point under Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC (Regulation on online dispute resolution for consumer ODR).


2.1 The Buyer orders the goods (entry fees) directly from the Website after registering by creating a RunTour ID (hereinafter referred to as "RTID"). Without an RTID, it is not possible to purchase entry fees or participate in races.

2.2 When registering on the Website and ordering the entry fee, the Buyer is obliged to provide all the information correctly and truthfully. The Buyer is obliged to update the information provided in the order form and inform the Seller of any changes. The information provided by the Buyer when ordering the entry fee shall be deemed accurate by the Seller.

2.3 The Buyer is not entitled to allow third parties to use the RTID.

2.4 The Seller may cancel the RTID, in particular if the Buyer breaches their obligations under the Purchase Contract (including the Terms and Conditions).

2.5 The Buyer acknowledges that the RTID may not be available continuously, in particular with regard to necessary maintenance of the Seller's hardware and software equipment or necessary maintenance of hardware and software equipment of third parties.

2.6 For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, a race shall be defined as a running race. A running race may be organised as a traditional running race and/or as a virtual running race.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, a running race is defined as a running race with the participation of all registered runners, which is held at a single location along a designated route and on a pre-announced date.

For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, a virtual running race is defined as a running race in which pre-registered runners with a pre-purchased entry fee participate individually via the www.run-tour.cz website. A period of several days is announced for runners to participate in the virtual race.


3.1 The option to register for a particular race on the Website is for information purposes only and the Seller is not obliged to enter into a purchase contract in respect of this entry fee. Section 1732 (2) of the Civil Code does not apply.

3.2 The Website contains information about the races (goods), in particular the prices of the individual entry fees for each race. The entry prices include value added tax and all related fees, unless otherwise stated. Entry prices remain valid for as long as they are displayed on the website. This provision does not limit the Seller's ability to enter a Purchase Contract on individually agreed terms.

3.3 To order the entry fee, the buyer shall fill in the order form on the Website. The order form contains information about:

  • the entry fee to be ordered, the name, surname, gender, date of birth, address, and nationality of the Race participant,
  • the method of payment of the purchase price of the entry fee (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Order Form").

3.4 Prior to sending the Order Form to the Seller, the Buyer shall be allowed to check and edit the data entered in the Order Form, they must be able to detect and correct errors made in entering data into the Order Form. The Buyer shall send the Order Form to the Seller by clicking the button "Complete registration – Payment obligatory". The data provided in the Order Form is considered correct by the Seller. The Seller shall confirm receiving the order immediately upon receiving it by e-mail to the Buyer's e-mail address specified in the Order Form (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer's e-mail address").

3.5 The contractual relationship (Purchase Contract) between the Seller and the Buyer shall be established by the delivery of the acceptance notification of the order (Acceptance Notification), which is sent by the Seller to the Buyer by electronic mail to the Buyer's electronic mail address.

3.6. 50 CZK of each paid entry fee will be donated by the Seller to charity. The buyer has the option to donate any amount in addition to the entry fee to support those in need.


4.1 The Buyer can pay the price of the entry fee according to the Purchase Contract to the Seller in the following ways:

(i) by wire transfer to the Seller's account;

(ii) cashless by credit card;

(iii) through benefits from Sodexo and EdenRed.

4.2 In the case of non-cash payment, the purchase price is payable within 5 working days of the conclusion of the Purchase Contract.

4.3 In the case of a non-cash payment, the Buyer's obligation to pay the purchase price is fulfilled when the appropriate amount is credited to the Seller's account.

4.4 The payment gateway provider is ComGate Payments, a.s. If necessary, you can contact them here:

ComGate Payments, a.s.
Gočárova třída 1754 / 48b, Hradec Králové
E-mail: platby-podpora@comgate.cz
Phone: +420 228 224 267

4.5 The Seller informs the Buyer about the payment of the price by sending an electronic message to the e-mail address specified by the Buyer, or the person who made the order in the RTID.

4.6 The Price is final, non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another Race.


5.1 The Buyer-Consumer acknowledges that according to the provisions of Section 1837 (j) of the Civil Code, as a contract for the use of leisure time provided by the Seller within a specified timeframe, it is not possible to withdraw from the Purchase Contract for the Race.

5.2 Should the Race not take place due to an event of force majeure or for a reason not caused by the Seller (e.g. natural disaster, epidemic such as COVID-19, etc.), the entry fee shall not be refunded, in particular with regard to the Seller's costs incurred to date for the organisation of the Race.


6.1 The Buyer acquires the right to participate in the Race by paying the full purchase price of the entry fee.

6.2 The Buyer acquires the right to participate in the Race by paying the full purchase price of the entry fee, after the assignment of the starting number and in compliance with all current rules and regulations of the Race set by the Seller or the Race organizer on the Website, which the Buyer must familiarize themselves with before the Race and which they undertake to comply with.

6.3 Participation in the Race is not legally enforceable. The Seller reserves the right to refuse to allow any Buyer to participate in the Race, in particular any Buyer who has violated any of the rules of the Race or the rules of fair play or propriety at the Race or in previous editions of the Race.

6.4 Out-of-court settlement of consumer complaints shall be handled by the Seller via the electronic address info@run-tour.eu. The Seller shall send information on the settlement of the Buyer's complaint to the Buyer's electronic address.

6.5 The Buyer hereby assumes the risk of change of circumstances within the meaning of § 1765 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code.

6.6 The Buyer declares that:

  • they are in full health, with no medical conditions that would limit or prevent their participation in the Race;
  • they participate in the Race of their own free will, solely at their own risk and responsibility and accept all liability arising from this decision;
  • they acknowledge that the Race is physically exhausting and mentally demanding and understand that there may be a risk of serious injury in the course of completing the Race. They have considered this possibility and are willingly taking this risk;
  • they acknowledge that they are responsible for the condition of their sports equipment and clothing;
  • they have read the current rules and regulations for the event provided by the Seller, posted on the Website, and agree to abide by them;
  • they agree to study any changes to the rules, regulations and instructions of the organiser published before the start of the event on the Website.

6.7 The Buyer understands that the Seller is not responsible for their medical condition caused by or resulting from participation in the Race. It is the Buyer's responsibility to have their health checked prior to the Race and to read all information provided by the Organizer.

6.8 The Buyer further irrevocably waives any right to compensation for any injury (damage) which they may become or be entitled to, whether contractually or non-contractually, for any kind of injury (damage) which they suffer directly or indirectly, whether in the form of physical injury, damage to property, loss of earning capacity, or pain and suffering by reason of or as a consequence of their participation in the Race. This waiver and release of liability is provided for the benefit of the Seller, the Organiser and all of their representatives, agents and subcontractors and all other persons participating in the Race either as an active participant or spectator.

6.9 The Seller shall fulfil its information obligation towards the Buyer within the meaning of Article 13 of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as the "GDPR") relating to the processing of the Buyer's personal data for the purposes of the performance of the Purchase Contract, for the purposes of the negotiations of the Purchase Contract and for the purposes of the Seller's public law obligations by means of a separate document.


7.1 The successful registration of the Buyer is subject to acceptance of these Seller's Terms and Conditions and approval of the rules and conditions of the race for which the entry fee is being purchased.

7.2 If the relationship established by the Purchase Agreement contains an international (foreign) element, then the parties agree that the relationship shall be governed by Czech law. This is without prejudice to the consumer's rights under generally binding legislation.

7.3 If any provision of the Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid or ineffective, the invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision whose meaning is as close as possible to the invalid provision. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.

7.4 The Purchase Contract including the Terms and Conditions is archived by the Seller in electronic form and is not accessible.

7.5 Contact information of the Seller: address for delivery VMLY&R s.r.o., WPP Campus, Bubenská 1477/1, Prague 7, 170 00. Telephone and e-mail support, assistance with Race registration and information about the Races is provided by the Seller 5 days a week (Mon-Fri) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at info@run-tour.eu and phone number +420 734 689 567. The Seller reserves the right to restrict operations during emergencies and for operational reasons.

7.6 These Terms and Conditions, including their components, are valid and effective from 1 November 2023 and supersede the previous version of the Terms and Conditions, including its components, and are available at the Seller's registered office or electronically at www.run-tour.cz.

Executed: in Prague on November 1.2023


With every registration, you contribute to a good cause

The ČEZ RunTour is not just about running. It's also about helping others. Every year we collect financial contributions for charitable organizations. This year will be no different! 50 CZK from each entry fee will go towards a good cause. Additionally, you can also contribute a voluntary donation of any amount to support those who need it even more. Thank you!


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